Men Skin Care - Apollo & Artemis

What is the Best Skin Care for Men?

Skin care for men: Men deserve good skin, too! Take care of your skin now, and you’ll be rewarded with many years of great, healthy-looking skin. But how should you take care of your skin? What should your skin care routine look like? Worry not, because we’re going to give you an easy skin care routine to follow both morning and night.

Step 1: Cleanse

First off, you want to cleanse your face from all the impurities, sweat, dirt, and grime. In the morning, these have been accumulated throughout the night including, unfortunately, through your pillow. At night, you’ll want to cleanse off all those impurities incurred during the day. No use layering on any products over an unclean face. Splash with water first, and follow with a gentle facial cleanser. 

Step 2: Gentle exfoliation

Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells and refreshes the top layer of skin in order to promote new growth and a fresh-faced look. Facial skin is not as rugged as much of the skin on the rest of the body, so no hearty scrubbing needed here. To make things easier, you can look for a facial cleanser that includes exfoliation, or simply apply your cleansing product using an exfoliating scrubber made for the face.

Step 3: Spot treat

Got any skin-related concerns? After cleansing and buffing, it’s time to hone in on any skin issues you’re facing and spot treat as needed. This includes acne treatments, toners, and anti-aging serums. This part is going to differ from person to person based on your particular needs. 

Looking to get rid of tired-looking or puffy under eyes? We have just the product for you. Our Oracle Eye Cream is a full eye care experience. Treating both the upper and the lower eyelids. As a matter of fact, according to the American Society of plastic surgery, the third most requested procedure for men is an upper eyelift. Oracle has you covered because with its flower power + hyaluronic a +high peptides, it actually lifts the upper eyelid. 

We also recommend our Alpha Vitamin C Facial Essence for the entire face, neck, and décolletage (upper chest area). With 20% L-ascorbic acid, it provides the antioxidant and collagen-boosting benefits of vitamin C.

Step 4: Moisturize

Many skin problems occur as a result of under-hydrated skin. Skin that’s dry can look, well, dry, but also, dry skin highlights any fine lines, wrinkles, or pore issues as well, and can lead to uneven skin tone. Moisturizing with facial lotion is often recommended, but lotions can be heavy and a little much if your skin is not naturally very dry. Instead, try a facial hydration spray like our Visage Facial Mist which is formulated with peptides that help enhance hydration. Use not only after cleansing and treating but throughout the day as needed as well. 

Step 5: Skin Serum: The Finishing Touch

Serums are a lot richer than lotions and creams, and a little goes a long way towards intense, concentrated skin nourishment. Dab a few drops of face serum on your face, neck, and chest. 

We recommend our Omega Skin Serum which, with plant-derived squalane, will help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and encourage cell turnover.