Should Men's Skincare Be The Same As Women's? | Apollo & Artemis Beauty


When it comes to skincare, there is no double standard. Men and women both need a skincare routine that suits their skin and their specific lifestyles. For the most part, men and women can have similar skincare routines, but there are going to be a few differences with men’s skincare.

Hormonal Changes

Regardless of how you identify, hormonal change will affect your skin. Those who menstruate will have a spike in estrogen and a rapid decrease in progesterone. These rapid fluctuations in hormones may result in breakouts or other conditions that may need to be treated specifically. In many cases, these breakouts can be managed with birth control or other prescribed methods in addition to a skincare routine that will support medical intervention.

For men that have acne post-puberty, there could be a few challenges. Some may be hormonal, but more often than not, a consistent skincare routine needs to be established. Because of androgens, specifically testosterone, men tend to grow thicker hair among other secondary male characteristics. Sweating and increased oil production can also vary with these changes, resulting in acne. After puberty, a man’s hormonal levels should not fluctuate too drastically. However, there are instances when a man will suffer from low testosterone. This can impact your skin. Medical intervention as well as a good skincare routine is vital for these conditions. 

Hairy situations vs. Shaving

One of the secondary sexual male characteristics brought on by testosterone is facial hair. It usually grows coarse and thick. This results in those full, and at times very attractive, mustaches, beards, and sideburns. Maintenance for this is very different from what a woman would require. You have to maintain the beard and the skin the beard is growing from. That includes the roughened area that can come from frequent shaving. 

For facial hair maintenance, men will want to purchase products that are not heavy in alcohol-based ingredients due to the fact that they are extremely drying. In addition to that, they will want to utilize exfoliants to prevent ingrown hairs and clogged pores. Moisturizing is going to be your best friend. After-shaves that contain strong fragrances and harsh alcohols are not going to be your friend. Your skin needs treatment, not cologne.

Women tend to not have to deal with facial hair around the jawline or chin as much unless there is a slight hormone imbalance pre-menopause. Treating acne and other skin conditions is relatively straightforward. Treat the underlying causes as well as the topical effects. 


Anti-aging is a common desire across genders, backgrounds, or any other group. Everyone is searching for the fountain of youth. Fortunately, our products at Apollos and Artemis are naturally-derived and great for anti-aging leaving you with healthy, beautiful skin. 

As we age, our skin loses collagen, elastin, moisture, and other components that keep our skin plump and soft. Add in the effects of exposure to UVA/UVB radiation, free radicals, and not-so-great ingredients from other products, and our skin is going to respond in an undesirable way. This manifests in smile lines, crow’s feet, wrinkles, dark circles around the eyes, and the dreaded age spots. 

Anti-aging products for men and women are very similar. Each of the products you will want to have should be moisturizing and allow for the rapid and consistent absorption of the nutrients your skin needs to maintain the highest quality. 


As our skin adjusts to the things it comes in contact with, there will be responses. Some of those responses will include immune responses that cause inflammation. Signs of inflammation include redness, swelling, tenderness, and occasional heat. This can be the result of coming in contact with an irritant or allergen, the result of a skin condition such as chronic acne or rosacea, or the result of skin treatment such as a facial.

Men and women can both deal with all of these reactions. Inflammation can be highly uncomfortable and requires many layers of products in order to heal the skin and allow it to recover. The types of products used can vary from person to person. At the end of the day, every product you put on your face should be soothing and have amazing ingredients, like our Facial Essence, that is set to reduce inflammation and allow the skin to recover. 
In conclusion, men and women will more than likely have different skincare regimens, but there will be some similarities. One of the major similarities involves the ingredients used to treat whatever skin conditions are recurring. As you begin to explore the different products that can be used to treat your skin as well as the skin of your loved ones (male, female, or non-binary), the types of ingredients used will be vital to your experience. Our products at Apollo & Artemis are formulated with all-natural ingredients known for leaving you with healthy, beautiful skin. Unleash your inner god or goddess with our unique line of products TODAY!